Essential Tips To Know In Order To Get Hired As A Data Scientist

In today’s day and age, information is a significant asset of any company. Thanks to technology, companies receive loads of data on a daily basis. It takes time and skill to filter out and sift through all the information in order to determine which areas are useful for the company. This is where your job as a data scientist, also referred to as a data analyst, comes in.

If you’ve long been wanting to work as a data scientist, here are some tips you can follow:

  1. Know What A Data Scientist Really Does

When you wish to be hired as a data scientist, you have to know what the job entails. More than just the job title, you also have to be aware of the day-to-day operations in the workplace. Because data is overflowing, it’s the job of a data scientist to analyze data and use their technical skills to solve problems relating to the data presented. When there aren’t any problems found, they also strive to find possible problems.

As a data scientist, you get to enjoy numerous specializations in your job. Xcede data scientist jobs, for instance, have other responsibilities that can include working as a mathematician, and even as statistics and economics experts. To be hired as a data scientist, you must first be familiar with the ins and outs of the job.

  1. Know The Basic Qualifications

Before you even apply for entry-level data scientist jobs, you also have to be aware of its basic qualifications. If you’ve completed a bachelor’s degree or even a master’s degree in data science or data analysis, then you’re a likely candidate for the job.

But if you don’t have this degree, don’t be dismayed. There are still related courses that can land you the job. Some of these include having a background in Mathematics, Economics, Finance, and Statistics.

Additional basic academic qualifications that you need in order to be hired as a data scientist include:

  • Bachelor’s degree in any of the related fields as mentioned above
  • Master’s degree in any of the fields related to data, mathematics, statistics, and economics
  • At least one to two years of experience in a related field before fully applying as a data scientist
  1. Obtain Further Studies And Experience

While information is an asset that’s highly in-demand today, it doesn’t mean that you’re going to land a job right after your first interview. Especially if you’re a fresh graduate, it’s highly advised that you work in a job that’s related to the course you’ve just finished. In most cases, prior experience is needed before you can get a job in data science. For instance, if you’ve graduated from a Mathematics course, work in this field first.

A critical piece of advice you should remember is that the data science industry is a highly competitive one. While you can successfully find entry-level data science jobs, others might be looking for additional qualifications. In this case, grab the opportunity to further your knowledge and studies, whether that’s getting additional certifications, continuing your education to obtain a higher degree, or familiarizing yourself with the different software and skills needed for the job. Moreover, make it a point to attend training programs as well as seminars relating to data science. Doing this will increase your chances of getting hired.

  1. Know The Basic Skills Needed

More than just your educational attainment, employers are also looking for this basic set of skills:

  • Mathematical Capabilities: As a data scientist, you will be facing a lot of data and statistics, but not all of them will be relevant. In their raw form, it’s up to you to process and study the data deeper so these statistics can be arranged and translated into useful information.
  • Data Management and Manipulation: This means having basic knowledge on data management software in order to keep up with the times, as well as analyze, arrange, and interpret data in a more efficient and timely manner.
  • Programming: This is an integral part of data science. Hence, you must also possess the basic skills involving primary programming languages, such as Java and C++. This is necessary since data analysis tools that require knowledge in computer science and programming will be used to analyze and process the data that you’re presented with. This is where your expertise in programming can come in handy.

Possessing these skills can give you an edge over other applicants, especially if you’re familiar with the software a particular company is using.


Applying as a data scientist or data analyst is not entirely different from when you’re applying to other jobs. It may sound more technical, but the principles are still the same: you need to first understand your job description, responsibilities, and the basic skills and qualifications needed in order to be efficient in the workplace. You can also increase your chances of getting hired by enhancing your credentials and certifications through further studies. Take a masters’ degree, if necessary. These tips, along with patience and determination, can help kickstart your career as a data scientist.

Industrial IoT erreicht die Fertigungshalle

Lumada Manufacturing Insights nutzt KI, Machine Learning und DataOps, um digitale  Innovationen für Manufacturing 4.0 bereitzustellen

Dreieich/ Santa Clara (Kalifornien), 17. September 2019 Mit Lumada Manufacturing Insights kündigt Hitachi Vantara eine Suite von IIoT-Lösungen (Industrial IoT) an, mit der Fertigungsunternehmen auf ihren Daten basierende Transformationsvorhaben umsetzen können. Die Lösung lässt sich in bestehende Anwendungen integrieren und liefert aussagekräftige Erkenntnisse aus Daten, ohne dass Fertigungsanlagen oder -anwendungen durch einen „Rip-and-Replace”-Wechsel kostspielig ersetzt werden müssen. Lumada Manufacturing Insights optimiert Maschinen, Produktion und Qualität und schafft dadurch die Basis für digitale Innovationen, ohne die Manufacturing 4.0 unmöglich wäre. Die Plattform unterstützt eine Vielzahl von Bereitstellungsoptionen und kann On-Premise oder in der Cloud ausgeführt werden.

„Daten und Analytics können Produktionsprozesse modernisieren und transformieren. Aber für zu viele Hersteller verlangsamen bestehende Legacy-Infrastrukturen und voneinander getrennte Software und Prozesse die Innovation”, kommentiert Brad Surak, Chief Product und Strategy Officer bei Hitachi Vantara. „Mit Lumada Manufacturing Insights können Unternehmen die Basis für digitale Innovationen schaffen und dabei mit den Systemen und der Software arbeiten, die sie bereits im Einsatz haben.” 

Lumada Manufacturing Insights wird weltweit ab dem 30. September verfügbar sein. Weitere Informationen:

Bei der deutschen Version handelt es sich um eine gekürzte Version der internationalen Presseinformation von Hitachi Vantara.

Hitachi Vantara
Hitachi Vantara, eine hundertprozentige Tochtergesellschaft der Hitachi Ltd., hilft datenorientierten Marktführern, den Wert ihrer Daten herauszufinden und zu nutzen, um intelligente Innovationen hervorzubringen und Ergebnisse zu erzielen, die für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft von Bedeutung sind. Nur Hitachi Vantara vereint über 100 Jahre Erfahrung in Operational Technology (OT) und mehr als 60 Jahre in Information Technology (IT), um das Potential Ihrer Daten, Ihrer Mitarbeitern und Ihren Maschinen zu nutzen. Wir kombinieren Technologie, geistiges Eigentum und Branchenwissen, um Lösungen zum Datenmanagement zu liefern, mit denen Unternehmen das Kundenerlebnis verbessern, sich neue Erlösquellen erschließen und die Betriebskosten senken können. Über 80% der Fortune 100 vertrauen Hitachi Vantara bei Lösungen rund um Daten. Besuchen Sie uns unter

Hitachi Ltd. Corporation
Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501) mit Hauptsitz in Tokio, Japan, fokussiert sich auf Social Innovation und kombiniert dazu Information Technology, Operational Technology und Produkte. Im Geschäftsjahr 2018 (das am 31. März 2019 endete) betrug der konsolidierte Umsatz des Unternehmens insgesamt 9.480,6 Milliarden Yen (85,4 Milliarden US-Dollar), wobei das Unternehmen weltweit rund 296.000 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt. Hitachi liefert digitale Lösungen mit Lumada in den Bereichen Mobility, Smart Life, Industry, Energy und IT. Weitere Informationen über Hitachi finden Sie unter



Hitachi Vantara
Bastiaan van Amstel 


Public Footprint 
Thomas Schumacher
+49 / (0) 214 8309 7790



Zertifikatsstudium „Data Science and Big Data“ 2020 an der TU Dortmund

Jetzt bewerben!

Komplexe Daten aufbereiten und analysieren, um daraus zukünftige Entwicklungen abzulesen: das lernen Sie im berufsbegleitenden Zertifikatsstudium „Data Science and Big Data“ an der TU Dortmund.

Die Zielgruppe sind Fachkräfte, die sich in ihrer Berufspraxis mit Fragestellungen zum Thema Datenanalyse und Big Data befassen, jedoch nun tiefergehende Kenntnisse in dem Themenfeld erhalten möchten. Von der Analyse über das Management bis zur zielgerichteten Darstellung der Ergebnisse lernen die Teilnehmenden dabei Methoden der Disziplinen Statistik, Informatik und Journalistik kennen.

Renommierte Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler vermitteln den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern die neuesten datenwissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse und zeigen, wie dieses Wissen praxisnah im eigenen Big-Data Projekt umgesetzt werden kann.

Die nächste Studiengruppe startet im Februar 2020, der Bewerbungsschluss ist am 4. November 2019. Die Anzahl der verfügbaren Plätze ist begrenzt, eine rechtzeitige Bewerbung lohnt sich daher.

Nähere Informationen finden Sie unter:

Dortmunder R-Kurse | Neue Termine im Herbst 2019

Erweitern Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten in der Anwendung der Open Source Statistiksoftware R: In der Tagesseminarreihe „Dortmunder R-Kurse“ an der Technischen Universität Dortmund geben erfahrene Wissenschaftler der Fakultät Statistik ihre Expertise an Sie weiter.

Sie erwerben dadurch Qualifikationen zur selbstständigen Analyse eigener Daten sowie Schlüsselkompetenzen im Umgang mit Big Data. Die Kurse richten sich an Anwenderinnen und Anwender jeder Fachrichtung aus Industrie und Forschungseinrichtungen, die ihre Daten mit R auswerten möchten.

Das Angebot umfasst Kurse für Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene, wo Sie Ihre Kenntnisse in R erlernen und vertiefen können.

  • R Basiskurs
    Inhalte: Grundlagen zur ersten Datenanalyse
    Termine: 5. & 6. November 2019
  • R Vertiefungskurs
    Inhalt: Effiziente Analysen mit R
    Termine: 21. & 22. November 2019
  • Weitere Inhouse Themen auf Anfrage: Machine Learning in R, Shiny Apps mit R

Weitere Informationen zu den R-Kursen finden Sie unter:


Accelerate your AI Skills Today: A Million Dollar Job!

The skyrocketing salaries ($1m per year) of AI engineers is not a hype. It is the fact of current corporate world, where you will witness a shift that is inevitable.

We’ve already set our feet at the edge of the technological revolution. A revolution that is at the verge of altering the way we live and work. As the fact suggests, humanity has fundamentally developed human production in three revolutions, and we’re now entering the fourth revolution. In its scope, the fourth revolution projects a transformation that is unlike anything we humans have ever experienced.

  • The first revolution had the world transformed from rural to urban
  • the emergence of mass production in the second revolution
  • third introduced the digital revolution
  • The fourth industrial revolution is anxious to integrate technologies into our lives.

And all thanks to artificial intelligence (AI). An advanced technology that surrounds us, from virtual assistants to software that translates to self-driving cars.

The rise of AI at an exponential rate has disrupted almost every industry. So much so that AI is being rated as one-million-dollar profession.

Did this grab your attention? It did?

Now, what if we were to tell you that the salary compensation for AI experts has grown dramatically. AI and machine learning are fields that have a mountain of demand in the tech industry today but has sparse supply.

AI field is growing at a quicker pace and salaries are skyrocketing! Read it for yourself to know what AI experts, AI researchers and any other AI talent are commanding today.

  • A top-class AI research laboratory, OpenAI says that techies in the AI field are projected to earn a salary compensation ranging between $300 to $500k for fresh graduates. However, expert professionals could earn anywhere up to $1m.
  • Whopping salary package of above 100 million yen that amounts to $1m is being offered to AI geniuses by a Japanese firm, Start Today. A firm that operates a fashion shopping website named Zozotown.

Does this leave you with a question – Is this a right opportunity for you to jump in the field and make hay while the sun is shining? 

And the answer to this question is – yes, it is the right opportunity for any developer seeking a role in the AI industry. It can be your chance to bridge the skill shortage in the AI field either by upskilling or reskilling yourself in the field of AI.

There are a wide varieties of roles available for an AI enthusiast like you. And certain areas are like AI Engineers and AI Researchers are high in demand, as there are not many professionals who have robust AI knowledge.

According to a job report, “The Future of Jobs 2018,” a prediction was made suggesting that machines and algorithms will create around 133 million new job roles by 2022.

AI and machine learning will dominate the tech world. The World Economic Forum says that several sectors have started embracing AI and machine learning to tackle challenges in certain fields such as advertising, supply chain, manufacturing, smart cities, drones, and cybersecurity.

Unraveling the AI realm

From chatbots to financial planners, AI is impacting the way businesses function on a day-today basis. AI makes the work simpler, as it provides variables, which makes the work more streamlined.

Alright! You know that

  • the demand for AI professionals is rising exponentially and that there is just a trickle of supply
  • the AI professionals are demanding skyrocketing salaries

However, beyond that how much more do you know about AI?

Considering the fact that our lives have already been touched by AI (think Alexa, and Siri), it is just a matter of time when AI will become an indispensable part of our lives.

As Gartner predicts that 2020 will be an important year for business growth in AI. Thus, it is possible to witness significant sparks for employment growth. Though AI predicts to diminish 1.8 million jobs, it is also said to replace it with 2.3 million jobs that will be created. As we look forward to stepping into 2020, AI-related job roles are set to make positive progress of achieving 2 million net-new employments by 2025.

With AI promising to score fat paychecks that would reach millions, AI experts are struggling to find new ways to pick up nouveau skills. However, one of the biggest impacts that affect the job market today is the scarcity of talent in this field.

The best way to stay relevant and employable in AI is probably by “reskilling,” and “upskilling.” And  AI certifications is considered ideal for those in the current workforce.

Looking to upskill yourself – here’s how you can become an AI engineer today.

Top three ways to enhance your artificial intelligence career:

  1. Acquire skills in Statistics and Machine Learning: If you’re getting into the field of machine learning, it is crucial that you have in-depth knowledge of statistics. Statistics is considered a prerequisite to the ML field. Both the fields are tightly related. Machine learning models are created to make accurate predictions while statistical models do the job of interpreting the relationship between variables. Many ML techniques heavily rely on the theory obtained through statistics. Thus, having extensive knowledge in statistics help initiate the first step towards an AI career.
  2. Online certification programs in AI skills: Opting for AI certifications will boost your credibility amongst potential employers. Certifications will also enhance your earning potential and increase your marketability. If you’re looking for a change and to be a part of something impactful; join the AI bandwagon. The IT industry is growing at breakneck speed; it is now that businesses are realizing how important it is to hire professionals with certain skillsets. Specifically, those who are certified in AI are becoming sought after in the job market.
  3. Hands-on experience: There’s a vast difference in theory and practical knowledge. One needs to familiarize themselves with the latest tools and technologies used by the industry. This is possible only if the individual is willing to work on projects and build things from scratch.

Despite all the promises, AI does prove to be a threat to job holders, if they don’t upskill or reskill themselves. The upcoming AI revolution will definitely disrupt the way we work, however, it will leave room for humans to perform more creative jobs in the future corporate world.

So a word of advice is to be prepared and stay future ready.

The Data Scientist Job and the Future

A dramatic upswing of data science jobs facilitating the rise of data science professionals to encounter the supply-demand gap.

By 2024, a shortage of 250,000 data scientists is predicted in the United States alone. Data scientists have emerged as one of the hottest careers in the data world today. With digitization on the rise, IoT and cognitive technologies have generated a large number of data sets, thus, making it difficult for an organization to unlock the value of these data.

With the constant rise in data science, those fail to upgrade their skill set may be putting themselves at a competitive disadvantage. No doubt data science is still deemed as one of the best job titles today, but the battles for expert professionals in this field is fierce.

The hiring market for a data science professional has gone into overdrive making the competition even tougher. New online institutions have come up with credible certification programs for professionals to get skilled. Not to forget, organizations are in a hunt to hire candidates with data science and big data analytics skills, as these are the top skills that are going around in the market today. In addition to this, it is also said that typically it takes around 45 days for these job roles to be filled, which is five days longer than the average U.S. market.

Data science

One might come across several definitions for data science, however, a simple definition states that it is an accumulation of data, which is arranged and analyzed in a manner that will have an effect on businesses. According to Google, a data scientist is one who has the ability to analyze and interpret complex data, being able to make use of the statistic of a website and assist in business decision making. Also, one needs to be able to choose and build appropriate algorithms and predictive models that will help analyze data in a viable manner to uncover positive insights from it.

A data scientist job is now a buzzworthy career in the IT industry. It has driven a wider workforce to get skilled in this job role, as most organizations are becoming data-driven. It’s pretty obnoxious being a data professional will widen job opportunities and offer more chances of getting lucrative salary packages today. Similarly, let us look at a few points that define the future of data science to be bright.

  • Data science is still an evolving technology

A career without upskilling often remains redundant. To stay relevant in the industry, it is crucial that professionals get themselves upgraded in the latest technologies. Data science evolves to have an abundance of job opportunities in the coming decade. Since, the supply is low, it is a good call for professionals looking to get skilled in this field.

  • Organizations are still facing a challenge using data that is generated

Research by 2018 Data Security Confidence from Gemalto estimated that 65% of the organizations could not analyze or categorized the data they had stored. However, 89% said they could easily analyze the information prior they have a competitive edge. Being a data science professional, one can help organizations make progress with the data that is being gathered to draw positive insights.

  • In-demand skill-set

Most of the data scientists possess to have the in-demand skill set required by the current industry today. To be specific, since 2013 it is said that there has been a 256% increase in the data science jobs. Skills such as Machine Learning, R and Python programming, Predictive analytics, AI, and Data Visualization are the most common skills that employers seek from the candidates of today.

  • A humongous amount of data growing everyday

There are around 5 billion consumers that interact with the internet on a daily basis, this number is set to increase to 6 billion in 2025, thus, representing three-quarters of the world’s population.

In 2018, 33 zettabytes of data were generated and projected to rise to 133 zettabytes by 2025. The production of data will only keep increasing and data scientists will be the ones standing to guard these enterprises effectively.

  • Advancement in career

According to LinkedIn, data scientist was found to be the most promising career of 2019. The top reason for this job role to be ranked the highest is due to the salary compensation people were being awarded, a range of $130,000. The study also predicts that being a data scientist, there are high chances or earning a promotion giving a career advancement score of 9 out of 10.

Precisely, data science is still a fad job and will not cease until the foreseeable future.

Data Leader Days: Die Spitzenmanager der Datenwirtschaft live und direkt

Am 13./14. November 2019 finden in Berlin die fünften Data Leader Days statt. Kommen Sie direkt mit den Spitzenkräften der Datenwirtschaft in Kontakt und freuen Sie sich auf die besten Use-Cases, Live-Demos und Panels rund um Data und AI.

Die Data Leader Days sind das erste Management-Forum für die Datenwirtschaft im deutschsprachigen Raum und senden regelmäßig wichtige Praxisimpulse aus. Eine der Besonderheiten liegt in der besonderen Auswahl der Speaker und der familiären Atmosphäre. Die Referenten gehören zu den führenden Data-Managern von Konzernen und bekannten Start-Ups, die die Digitalisierung maßgeblich prägen. Im Fokus stehen dabei Use Cases, Live Demos, Panels, Interviews und Erfahrungsberichte zu Data Science, Künstliche Intelligenz, Data Engineering & Architecture, Data Visualization sowie auch Agile Development, Blockchain und Data Security.

#Private Stream: Einzigartiges Know-How-Sharing im engen Kreis

In einem zusätzlichen Private Stream können sich die Teilnehmer zudem erstmals im engeren Kreis mit den Speakern austauschen, um Partner zu finden und individuelle Impulse für eigene Dateninitiativen aus erster Hand zu gewinnen.

Nicht die Masse an Vorträgen, sondern die Pole Position der Speaker und die Vielzahl an Take Aways stehen bei den Data Leader Days im Vordergrund. Mit diesem Konzept ist das Event seit Gründung im Jahr 2016 permanent gewachsen und findet mittlerweile an zwei Tagen mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten statt:

  1. November 2019: Retail & Finance Data
  2. November 2019: Automotive & Machine Data

#Aufbruchstimmung im Berliner Spreespeicher

Die Data Leader Days stehen unter dem Zeichen von Aufbruch und familiärer Atmosphäre fernab des betrieblichen Alltags. Passend dazu wurde der Spreespeicher mit seinem alten Mauerwerk und großzügigen Loft-Fenster mit einem einen bezaubernden Blick auf die Spree angemietet.


Mit dabei sind die Chief Data Officer, SVP, Geschäftsführer und Heads of Digital Transformation von Deutsche Bank, Claas, EnBW, eventim, L’Oréal, Lidl, HRS, Signify und viele mehr.

#Data Leader Days App

Zahlreiche Features unserer Data Leader Days App für Smartphones und Tablets (iOS od. Android) sorgen für eine wegweisende Conference Experience:

  • Matchmaking
  • In-App Chatfunktion
  • Bildergalerie und Videos
  • Event Voting
  • Live Fragenstellen
  • Sternebewertung
  • Wall of ideas
  • Digitale Visitenkarte

Die Anmeldung nehmen Sie bitte direkt unter der Konferenzseite vor.

Closing the AI-skills gap with Upskilling

Closing the AI-skills gap with Upskilling

Artificial Intelligent or as it is fancily referred as AI, has garnered huge popularity worldwide.  And given the career prospects it has, it definitely should. Almost everyone interested in technology sector has them rushing towards it, especially young and motivated fresh computer science graduates. Compared to other IT-related jobs AI pays way higher salary and have opportunities. According to a Glassdoor report, Data Scientist, one of the many related jobs, is the number one job with good salary, job openings and more. AI-related jobs include Data Scientists, Analysts, Machine Learning Engineer, NLP experts etc.

AI has found applications in almost every industry and thus it has picked up demand. Home assistants – Siri, Ok Google, Amazon Echo — chatbots, and more some of the popular applications of AI.

Increasing adoption of AI across Industry

The advantages of AI like increased productivity has increased its adoption among companies. According to Gartner, 37 percent of enterprise currently use AI in one way or the other. In fact, in the last four year adoption of AI technologies among companies has increased by 270 percent. In telecommunications, for instance, 52 percent of companies have chatbots deployed for better and smoother customer experience. Now, about 49 percent of businesses are now on their way to alter business models to integrate and adopt AI-driven processes. Further, industry leaders have gone beyond and voiced their concerns about companies that are lagging in AI adoption.

Unfortunately, it has been extremely difficult for employers to find right skilled or qualified candidates for AI-related positions. A reports suggests that there are total 300,000 AI professionals are available worldwide, while there’s demand for millions. In a recent survey conducted by Ernst & Young, 51 percent AI professionals told that lack of talent was the biggest impediment in AI adoption.

Further, O’Reilly, in 2018 conducted a survey, which found the lack of AI skills, among other things, was the major reason that was holding companies back from implementing AI.
The major reason for this is the lack of skills among people who aspire to get into AI-related jobs. According to a report, there demand for millions for jobs in AI. However, only a handful of qualified people are available.

Bridging the skill gap in AI-related jobs

Top companies and government around the world have taken up initiatives to close this gap. Google and Amazon, for instance, have dedicated facilities which trains in AI skills.  Google’s Brain Toronto is a dedicated facility to expand their talent in AI.  Similarly, Amazon has facility near University of Cambridge which is dedicated to AI. Most companies either already have a facility or are in the process of setting up one.

In addition to this, governments around the world are also taking initiatives to address the skill gap. For instance, government across the world are pushing towards AI advancement and are develop collaborative plans which aims at delivering more AI skilled professionals. Recently, the white house launched which is further helping to promote AI in the US. The website will offer updates related to AI projects across different sectors.

Other than these, companies have taken this upon themselves to reskills their employees and prepare them for future roles. According to a report from Towards Data Science, about 63 percent of companies have in-house training programs to train employees in AI-related skills.

Overall, though there is demand for AI professionals, lack of skilled talent is a major problem.

Roles in Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is the most dominant role for which companies hire across artificial Intelligence. Other than that, following are some of the popular roles:

  1. Machine learning Engineer: These are the people who make machines learn with complex algorithms. On advance level, Machine learning engineers are required to have good knowledge of computer vision. According to Indeed, in the last year, demand for Machine Learning Engineer has grown by 344 percent.
  2. NLP Experts: These experts are equipped with the understanding of making machines computer understand human language. Their expertise includes knowledge of how machines understand human language. Text-to-speech technologies are the common areas which require NLP experts. Demand for engineers who can program computers to understand human speech is growing continuously. It was the fast growing skills in Upwork’s list of in-demand freelancing skills. In Q4, 2016, it had grown 200 percent and since then has been on continuously growing.
  3. Big Data Engineers: This is majorly an analytics role. These gather huge amount of data available from sources and analyze it to derive insights and understand patter, which may be further used for machine learning, prediction modelling, natural language processing. In Mckinsey annual report 2018, it had reported that there was shortage of 190,000 big data professionals in the US alone.

Other roles like Data Scientists, Analysts, and more also in great demand. Then, again due to insufficient talent in the market, companies are struggling to hire for these roles.

Self-learning and upskilling
Artificial Intelligence is a continuously growing field and it has been advancing at a very fast pace, and it makes extremely difficult to keep up with in-demand skills. Hence, it is imperative to keep yourself up with demand of the industry, or it is just a matter of time before one becomes redundant.

On an individual level, learning new skills is necessary. One has to be agile and keep learning, and be ready to adapt new technologies. For this, AI training programs and certifications are ideal.  There are numerous AI programs which individuals can take to further learn new skills. AI certifications can immensely boost career opportunities. Certification programs offer a structured approach to learning which benefits in learning mostly practical and executional skills while keeping fluff away. It is more hands-on. Plus, certifications programs qualify only when one has passed practical test which is very advantageous in tech. AI certifications like AIE (Artificial Intelligence Engineer) are quite popular.

Online learning platforms also offer good a resource to learn artificial intelligence. Most schools haven’t yet adapted their curriculum to skill for AI, while most universities and grad schools are in their way to do so. In the meantime, online learning platforms offer a good way to learn AI skills, where one can start from basic and reach to advance skills.

Was der BREXIT für die Cloud-Strategie bedeutet

Datensouveränität wird nach dem Brexit eine der größten Herausforderungen für Unternehmen sein. Geschäftsführer sind sich der Bedeutung dessen bewusst und fürchten die Gefahr eines „Data cliff edge“, wenn die Trennung Großbritanniens von der EU endgültig beschlossene Sache sein wird.

Ohne ein klares Gespür dafür zu haben, welche Vorschriften und Compliance-Anforderungen bald gelten werden, versuchen britische Unternehmen herauszufinden, wie sie ihre Daten bestmöglich schützen, Geschäftsverzögerungen verhindern und kostspielige Fehler vermeiden können. Die Vieldeutigkeit rund um den Brexit wirft mehr Fragen als Antworten auf, darunter: Wo sollten britische Unternehmen ihre Daten speichern? Sollten sie alle ihre Rechenzentren nach Großbritannien verlegen? Wie wirkt sich der Besitz von Rechenzentren auf den Datenschutz aus? Welche Bedrohungen bestehen, wenn nach Abschluss des Brexit Daten innerhalb oder außerhalb des Vereinigten Königreichs gespeichert werden?

Für Führungskräfte sind der Mangel an Antworten und die Angst vor dem Unbekannten frustrierend. In dieser ungewissen Zeit können smarte Geschäftsführer aber den Brexit für ihre Zwecke lenken, indem sie ihn als Chance und nicht als Hindernis für sich nutzen.

Die unsicher regulierte Zukunft

Für Unternehmen mit Sitz in Großbritannien, die Datenspeicherung und private Cloud-Dienste anbieten, ist vor allem der Ort, an dem sich die Daten befinden, von Belang. Die Gewährleistung der Sicherheit und Kontrolle über eigene Daten ist von zentraler Bedeutung. Gleichzeitig ist jedoch auch die Einhaltung unbekannter zukünftiger Vorschriften und Gesetze zum Datenschutz und zum Datentransfer ein Muss.

Grundlage ist die Einhaltung der Datenschutzverordnung (DSGVO) vom 25. Mai 2018, da das Vereinigte Königreich zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch immer Teil der EU war. Nach Angaben des Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) des Vereinigten Königreichs – einer unabhängigen Behörde, die sich für die Wahrung von Informations- und Datenschutzrechten von Einzelpersonen einsetzt – bestätigte die britische Regierung, dass ein Austritt aus der EU keine Auswirkungen auf die DSGVO haben wird. Was in diesem Jahr, wenn sich Großbritannien und die EU endgültig voneinander trennen, passieren wird, kann man nur vermuten. Die Ratschläge von ICO sind richtungsweisend: „Bereiten Sie sich darauf vor, die Bestimmungen der DSGVO zu erfüllen und voranzukommen.“

Bemerkenswerterweise schreibt die DSGVO nicht vor, wo Unternehmen ihre Daten aufbewahren müssen. Es ist lediglich erforderlich, dass die EU-Organisationen ihre Daten innerhalb der EU speichern und außerhalb der EU unzugänglich machen müssen. Ausnahme: die Daten betreffen eine DSGVO-konforme Organisation. Wie sich dieses Mandat auf das Vereinigte Königreich auswirkt, muss noch gesehen werden. Denn das Vereinigte Königreich war ja zum Zeitpunkt der Ausarbeitung der Verordnung Teil der EU. Es ist unklar, ob das Vereinigte Königreich am Ende mit der DSGVO konform sein wird.

Aus globaler Sicht muss Großbritannien herausfinden, wie der Datenaustausch und der grenzüberschreitende Datenfluss reguliert werden können. Der freie Datenfluss ist wichtig für Unternehmen und Innovation, was bedeutet, dass das Vereinigte Königreich Vereinbarungen, wie die EU sie mit den USA getroffen haben, benötigt. Ein Privacy Shield, das den Austausch personenbezogener Daten zu gewerblichen Zwecken ermöglicht. Ob das Vereinigte Königreich Vereinbarungen wie den Privacy Shield umsetzen kann, oder neue Vereinbarungen mit Ländern wie den USA treffen muss, ist etwas, was nur die Zeit zeigen wird.

Wo sind die Daten?

Rechenzentren können heute durch freien Datenfluss, sowohl im Vereinigten Königreich als auch in der EU betrieben werden. Das Vereinigte Königreich unterliegt gleichem Schutz und gleichen Vorschriften wie die EU. Viele Spekulationen beinhalten allerdings, dass in naher Zukunft britische Kunden von einem in Großbritannien ansässigen Rechenzentrum bedient werden müssen, ebenso wie europäische Kunden ein EU-Rechenzentrum benötigen. Es gibt keine Garantien. Unklar ist auch, ob diese Situation die Anbieter von Rechenzentren dazu veranlassen wird, den Umzug aus Großbritannien in Betracht zu ziehen, um sich stärker auf den Kontinent zu konzentrieren, oder ob sie sich an beiden Standorten gleichzeitig niederlassen werden. Das Wahrscheinlichste: Die Anbieter tendieren zu letzterem, wie auch Amazon Web Services (AWS). Selbst nach dem Brexit-Votum hielt Amazon an seinem Wort fest und eröffnete Ende letzten Jahres sein erstes AWS-Rechenzentrum in London. Dies unterstreicht sowohl sein Engagement für Großbritannien als auch das unternehmerische Engagement.

Aus dem Brexit eine Geschäftsmöglichkeit machen

Die Automatisierung des IT-Betriebs und die Einführung einer Cloud-Strategie könnten die ersten Schritte sein, um die unbeantworteten Fragen des Brexit zu lösen und daraus einen Vorteil zu machen. Es ist an der Zeit, die Vorteile dessen zu erkennen, teure Hardware und Software von Unternehmen vor Ort durch den Umstieg auf die öffentliche Cloud zu ersetzen. Dies ist nicht nur die kostengünstigere Option. Cloud-Anbieter wie AWS, Microsoft Azure und Google Cloud Platform (GCP) ersparen in diesem politischen Umfeld sogar Unternehmen die Verwaltung und Wartung von Rechenzentren. Einige Unternehmen sind möglicherweise besorgt über die steigenden Raten von Public-Cloud-Anbietern, ihre Preisanpassungen scheinen jedoch an den relativen Wertverlust des Sterlings gebunden zu sein. Selbst bei geringen Erhöhungen sind die Preise einiger Anbieter, wie AWS, noch immer deutlich niedriger als die Kosten, die mit dem Betrieb von Rechenzentren und privaten Clouds vor Ort verbunden sind, insbesondere wenn Wartungskosten einbezogen werden. Wenn man diesen Gedanken noch einen Schritt weiterführt, wie kann der Brexit als eine Chance für Unternehmen betrachtet werden?Organisationen sammeln alle Arten von Daten. Aber nur eine Handvoll von ihnen verwendet effektive Datenanalysen, die Geschäftsentscheidungen unterstützen. Nur wenige Unternehmen tun mehr, als ihre Daten zu speichern, da ihnen die Tools und Ressourcen fehlen, um nahtlos auf ihre Daten zuzugreifen, oder weil Abfragen teuer sind. Ohne ein für die Cloud konstruiertes Data Warehouse ist dieser Prozess bestenfalls eine Herausforderung, und der wahre Wert der Daten geht dabei verloren. Ironischerweise bietet der Brexit die Möglichkeit, dies zu ändern, da Unternehmen ihre IT-Abläufe neu bewerten und alternative, kostengünstigere Methoden zum Speichern von Daten suchen müssen. Durch den Wechsel zu einer öffentlichen Cloud und die Nutzung eines Data Warehouses für die Cloud können Unternehmen Beschränkungen und Einschränkungen ihrer Daten aufheben und diese für die Entscheidungsfindung zugänglich machen.

Der Brexit dient also als Katalysator einer datengesteuerten Organisation, die Daten verwendet, anstatt sie für schlechte Zeiten zu speichern. Am Ende scheint die Prognose der Verhandlungen in Brüssel doch eine ziemlich stürmische zu sein.

Business Intelligence Organizations

I am often asked how the Business Intelligence department should be set up and how it should interact and collaborate with other departments. First and foremost: There is no magic recipe here, but every company must find the right organization for itself.

Before we can talk about organization of BI, we need to have a clear definition of roles for team members within a BI department.

A Data Engineer (also Database Developer) uses databases to save structured, semi-structured and unstructured data. He or she is responsible for data cleaning, data availability, data models and also for the database performance. Furthermore, a good Data Engineer has at least basic knowledge about data security and data privacy. A Data Engineer uses SQL and NoSQL-Technologies.

A Data Analyst (also BI Analyst or BI Consultant) uses the data delivered by the Data Engineer to create or adjust data models and implementing business logic in those data models and BI dashboards. He or she needs to understand the needs of the business. This job requires good communication and consulting skills as well as good developing skills in SQL and BI Tools such like MS Power BI, Tableau or Qlik.

A Business Analyst (also Business Data Analyst) is a person form any business department who has basic knowledge in data analysis. He or she has good knowledge in MS Excel and at least basic knowledge in data analysis and BI Tools. A Business Analyst will not create data models in databases but uses existing data models to create dashboards or to adjust existing data analysis applications. Good Business Analyst have SQL Skills.

A Data Scientist is a Data Analyst with extended skills in statistics and machine learning. He or she can use very specific tools and analytical methods for finding pattern in unknow or big data (Data Mining) or to predict events based on pattern calculated by using historized data (Predictive Analytics). Data Scientists work mostly with Python or R programming.

Organization Type 1 – Central Approach (Data Lab)

The first type of organization is the data lab approach. This organization form is easy to manage because it’s focused and therefore clear in terms of budgeting. The data delivery is done centrally by experts and their method and technology knowledge. Consequently, the quality expectation of data delivery and data analysis as well as the whole development process is highest here. Also the data governance is simple and the responsibilities clearly adjustable. Not to be underestimated is the aspect of recruiting, because new employees and qualified applicants like to join a central team of experts.

However, this form of organization requires that the company has the right working attitude, especially in the business intelligence department. A centralized business intelligence department acts as a shared service. Accordingly, customer-oriented thinking becomes a prerequisite for the company’s success – and customers here are the other departments that need access to the capacities of those centralized data experts. Communication boundaries must be overcome and ways of simple and effective communication must be found.

Organization Type 2 – Stakeholder Focus Approach

Other companies want to shift more responsibility for data governance, and especially data use and analytics, to those departments where data plays a key role right now. A central business intelligence department manages its own projects, which have a meaning for the entire company. The specialist departments, which have a special need for data analysis, have their own data experts who carry out critical projects for the specialist department. The central Business Intelligence department does not only provide the technical delivery of data, but also through methodical consulting. Although most of the responsibility lies with the Business Intelligence department, some other data-focused departments are at least co-responsible.

The advantage is obvious: There are special data experts who work deeper in the actual departments and feel more connected and responsible to them. The technical-business focus lies on pain points of the company.

However, this form of Ogranization also has decisive disadvantages: The danger of developing isolated solutions that are so special in some specific areas that they will not really work company-wide increases. Typically the company has to deal with asymmetrical growth of data analytics
know-how. Managing data governance is more complex and recruitment is becoming more difficult as the business intelligence department is weakened and smaller, and data professionals for other departments need to have more business focus, which means they are looking for more specialized profiles.

Organization Type 3 – Decentral Approach

Some companies are also taking a more extreme approach in the other direction. The Business Intelligence department now has only Data Engineers building and maintaining the data warehouse or data lake. As a result, the central department only provides data; it is used and analyzed in all other departments, specifically for the respective applications.

The advantage lies in the personal responsibility of the respective departments as „pain points“ of the company are in focus in belief that business departments know their problems and solutions better than any other department does. Highly specialized data experts can understand colleagues of their own department well and there is no no shared service mindset neccessary, except for the data delivery.

Of course, this organizational form has clear disadvantages since many isolated solutions are unavoidable and the development process of each data-driven solution will be inefficient. These insular solutions may work with luck for your own department, but not for the whole company. There is no one single source of truth. The recruiting process is more difficult as it requires more specialized data experts with more business background. We have to expect an asymmetrical growth of data analytics know-how and a difficult data governance.