Derry Holding

Derry Holding is an Independent Researcher and Freelancer IT Engineer, founder of Holding Engineering Consultancy, based out of Frankfurt am Main, Germany. After a few false turns and mind-numbing projects, Derry decided to redirect himself into more Software Development and Testing projects with emphasis on Python, and in particular the area of Data Science/Machine Learning. Coming from a mathematical background (BSc in Mathematics from the University of Manchester, MSc in Satellite Navigation from the University of Nottingham) this meant Derry was able to find greater enjoyment through continuous learning, especially where Data Science and Machine Learning with Python is concerned.

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Benjamin Aunkofer

Benjamin Aunkofer ist Lead Data Scientist bei DATANOMIQ und Hochschul-Dozent für Data Science und Data Strategy. Darüber hinaus arbeitet er als Interim Head of Business Intelligence und gibt Seminare/Workshops zu den Themen BI, Data Science und Machine Learning für Unternehmen.