“What is your image on dimensions?”
….That might be a cheesy question to ask to reader of Data Science Blog, but most people, with no scientific background, would answer “One dimension is a line, and two dimension is a plain, and we live in three-dimensional world.” After that if you ask “How about the fourth dimension?” many people would answer “Time?”
Terms like “multi dimensional something” is often used in science fictions because it’s a convenient black box when you make a fantasy story, and I’m sure many authors would not have thought that much about what those dimensions are.
In Japanese, if you say “He likes two dimension.” that means he prefers anime characters to real women, as is often the case with Japanese computer science students.
The meanings of “dimensions” depend on the context, but in data science dimension is in short the number of rows of your Excel data.
When you study data science or machine learning, usually you should start with understanding the algorithms with 2 or 3 dimensional data, and you can apply those ideas to any D dimensional data.
But of course you cannot visualize D dimensional data anymore, and that is almost an imaginary world on blackboards.
In this blog series I am going to explain algorithms for dimension reductions, such as PCA, LDA, and t-SNE, with 2 or 3 dimensional visible data. Along with that, I am going to delve into the meaning of calculations so that you can understand them in more like everyday-life sense.
This article series is going to be roughly divided into the contents below.
Curse of Dimensionality (to be published soon)
PCA, LDA (to be published soon)
Rethinking eigen vectors (to be published soon)
KL expansion and subspace method (to be published soon)
Autoencoder as dimension reduction (to be published soon)
t-SNE (to be published soon)
I hope you could see that reducing dimension is one of the fundamental approaches in data science or machine learning.
http://datasciencehack.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2020/08/dimension_head_img_2.png5561450Yasuto Tamurahttps://data-science-blog.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2016/12/data-science-blog-logo-en-300x292.pngYasuto Tamura2020-09-30 11:53:132020-08-13 10:17:00Illustrative introductions on dimension reduction
Huge opportunities for digital products are accompanied by huge risks
Digitalization is about to profoundly change the way we live and work. The increasing availability of data combined with growing storage capacities and computing power make it possible to create data-based products, services, and customer specific solutions to create insight with value for the business. Successful implementation requires systematic procedures for managing and analyzing data, but today such procedures are not covered in the PLM processes.
From our experience in industrial settings, organizations start processing the data that happens to be available. This data often does not fully cover the situation of interest, typically has poor quality, and in turn the results of data analysis are misleading. In industrial environments, the reliability and accuracy of results are crucial. Therefore, an enormous responsibility comes with the development of digital products and solutions. Unless there are systematic procedures in place to guide data management and data analysis in the development lifecycle, many promising digital products will not meet expectations.
Various methodologies exist but no comprehensive framework
Over the last decades, various methodologies focusing on specific aspects of how to deal with data were promoted across industries and academia. Examples are Six Sigma, CRISP-DM, JDM standard, DMM model, and KDD process. These methodologies aim at introducing principles for systematic data management and data analysis. Each methodology makes an important contribution to the overall picture of how to deal with data, but none provides a comprehensive framework covering all the necessary tasks and activities for the development of digital products. We should take these approaches as valuable input and integrate their strengths into a comprehensive Data Science and Engineering framework.
In fact, we believe it is time to establish an independent discipline to address the specific challenges of developing digital products, services and customer specific solutions. We need the same kind of professionalism in dealing with data that has been achieved in the established branches of engineering.
Data Science and Engineering as new discipline
Whereas the implementation of software algorithms is adequately guided by software engineering practices, there is currently no established engineering discipline covering the important tasks that focus on the data and how to develop causal models that capture the real world. We believe the development of industrial grade digital products and services requires an additional process area comprising best practices for data management and data analysis. This process area addresses the specific roles, skills, tasks, methods, tools, and management that are needed to succeed.
Figure: Data Science and Engineering as new engineering discipline
More than in other engineering disciplines, the outputs of Data Science and Engineering are created in repetitions of tasks in iterative cycles. The tasks are therefore organized into workflows with distinct objectives that clearly overlap along the phases of the PLM process.
Feasibility of Objectives
Understand the business situation, confirm the feasibility of the product idea, clarify the data infrastructure needs, and create transparency on opportunities and risks related to the product idea from the data perspective.
Domain Understanding
Establish an understanding of the causal context of the application domain, identify the influencing factors with impact on the outcomes in the operational scenarios where the digital product or service is going to be used.
Data Management
Develop the data management strategy, define policies on data lifecycle management, design the specific solution architecture, and validate the technical solution after implementation.
Data Collection
Define, implement and execute operational procedures for selecting, pre-processing, and transforming data as basis for further analysis. Ensure data quality by performing measurement system analysis and data integrity checks.
Select suitable modeling techniques and create a calibrated prediction model, which includes fitting the parameters or training the model and verifying the accuracy and precision of the prediction model.
Insight Provision
Incorporate the prediction model into a digital product or solution, provide suitable visualizations to address the information needs, evaluate the accuracy of the prediction results, and establish feedback loops.
Real business value will be generated only if the prediction model at the core of the digital product reliably and accurately reflects the real world, and the results allow to derive not only correct but also helpful conclusions. Now is the time to embrace the unique chances by establishing professionalism in data science and engineering.
Peter Louis
Peter Louis is working at Siemens Advanta Consulting as Senior Key Expert. He has 25 years’ experience in Project Management, Quality Management, Software Engineering, Statistical Process Control, and various process frameworks (Lean, Agile, CMMI). He is an expert on SPC, KPI systems, data analytics, prediction modelling, and Six Sigma Black Belt.
Ralf Russ
Ralf Russ works as a Principal Key Expert at Siemens Advanta Consulting. He has more than two decades experience rolling out frameworks for development of industrial-grade high quality products, services, and solutions. He is Six Sigma Master Black Belt and passionate about process transparency, optimization, anomaly detection, and prediction modelling using statistics and data analytics.4
http://datasciencehack.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2020/08/data-science-and-engineering-header.png8112198Siemens Advanta Consultinghttps://data-science-blog.com/en/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2016/12/data-science-blog-logo-en-300x292.pngSiemens Advanta Consulting2020-09-16 13:06:002020-08-12 13:08:39How to develop digital products and solutions for industrial environments?